Sunday, October 21, 2007

Deja Vu

Deja Vu - 2006

Spoilers ahead... this is a post - movie review...

There was a time, during the first, say... 25 minutes of this movie that I thought I hated this movie. Or perhaps more accurately... really disliked this movie. They were actually trying to tell me that they had all this sophisticated technology to show a detailed combined video montage of four days ago - they could rotate around objects - but we can't yet save it to disk and rewind it. Of course we find out a bit later that it is indeed sophisticated technology and is much more complicated than originally thought.

OK - I'm not saying that I bought everything I saw here, the movie was not without its flaws. But my wife kept saying to me, "Let it go Glenn, just enjoy the movie." Well I took her advice and went with it and went along for the ride. And by the end of the movie you realize what a fun ride it was.

I'm a fan of time travel movies (Back to the Future, Time Bandits, The Terminator). Its interesting how the writers and directors juggle the conflicting logic of turning time back on itself. In this movie, they bend time backwards, forwards, upwards... I'm thinking I have to rewatch it to get my head around it fully.

My wife TIVO'ed this movie solely on the strength of Denzel Washington. He doesn't disappoint here. He grounds the movie in everyday reality with his honest portrayal of Agent Doug Carlin. Paula Patton plays Claire Kuchever so well that she had me speculating that she was not exactly who she was (not an accidental outcome). And Jim Caviezel as the Satan character was brilliant. Just the opposite of his Jesus character a couple years back in the Passion of the Christ. Hows that for range?

I'm not sure how to classify this movie... science fiction thriller... procedural crime drama... love story... I think I'll classify it: "Damn fun movie to watch on a Saturday night"

Research the movie at Amazon here.

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